If SARA's work sounds interesting to you, please consider joining our group. Your membership includes a year's subscription to Radio Astronomy, the Journal of The Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers, and the chance to meet other enthusiasts at the yearly SARA convention.
Membership brochure
Sample SARA Journal
SARA dues are payable on an annual basis, with the SARA membership year ending on 15 June. Membership dues may be paid by US dollar check (drawn on a US bank, payable to "Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers"), by postal money order, or via PayPal.
Annual SARA dues are only $20 (US funds) anywhere in the world. Membership includes a subscription to Radio Astronomy, the bimonthly Journal of The Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers, delivered electronically (via a secure web link, emailed to you as each new issue is posted). We regret that printing and postage costs prevent SARA from providing hardcopy subscriptions to our Journal.