SARA Mentors
The following SARA members have volunteered to serve as mentors for fellow members in their local regions. Feel free to address your queries to the nearest listed mentor. Please be aware that SARA mentors serve in a volunteer capacity, and may not be able to respond promptly to your query. If you are not yet a SARA member, and wish to avail yourself of this personal membership service, we encourage you to first join the Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers. Should you wish to serve as a SARA volunteer mentor, please send your name, geographical region, and email address to Jon Wallace, at wallacefj_at_comcast_dot_net . Volunteer mentors are asked to please keep us informed of any changes in email address or status. Note: To assist our email filters, please include 'SARA' in the subject line of any emails sent to SARA volunteers. Thank you.
Region (US) Name Email address
Alabama Paul Oxley oxleys_at_att_dot_net
California Curt Kinghorn curtkinghorn at gmail dot com
Maine Jon Wallace wallacefj_at_comcast_dot_net
Florida Tom Crowley crowleytj_at_hotmail_dot_com
Georgia Tom Crowley crowleytj_at_hotmail_dot_com
Hawaii Richard Flagg rf_at_hawaii.rr_dot_com
Iowa Bill & Melinda Lord ap_guardian_at_yahoo_dot_com
North Carolina Mark Gibson quinleyking at gmail dot com
Oregon (mainly SW) Dennis Recla DRecla at charter dot net
Pennsylvania Jim Brown starmanjb at comcast dot net
Pennsylvania Kerry Smith wb3cal_at_comcast_dot_net
South Carolina Mark Gibson quinleyking at gmail dot com
Tennessee (East) David Fields fieldsde_at_aol_dot_com
Texas (East) Jeff Lichtman jeff at radioastronomysupplies dot com
Texas (West) Jeff Lichtman jeff at radioastronomysupplies dot com
Vermont John St. Louis John.St.Louis_at_uvm_dot_edu
Virginia Mark Gibson quinleyking at gmail dot com
Washington David Westman david.westman **at** engineeringretirees **dot** org
Region (non-US) Name Email address
Canada Jeffrey Brower jbrower at meteorchaser dot net
France Alain Nierveze nierveze at radio-astronomie dot com
UK (Northern Counties) John McKay 3peaks_at_daelnet_dot_co_dot_uk
Norway Jan Lustrup j-lustru at online dot no
Region (Worldwide)
In addition, we now have members who are willing to do long-distance mentoring, so if you don’t see your region listed, please contact one of these members:
Jon Wallace wallacefj_at_comcast_dot_net
Bill & Melinda Lord ap_guardian_at_yahoo_dot_com
Tom Crowley crowleytj_at_hotmail_dot_com
We are compiling a listing we are calling the “Tech Group” - people willing to help with individual technical questions on a variety of subjects. Contact with one of these people will be through the Mentors to protect the volunteer’s privacy. If you are interested in volunteering for this group please contact Jon Wallace (wallacefj_at_comcast_dot_net)
We are also compiling a listing of speakers on radio astronomy topics. If you are interested in contacting someone from this list please contact a Mentor as well. If you are interested in volunteering for this group please contact Jon Wallace (wallacefj_at_comcast_dot_net)
Members helping members