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Of the two completed SDR receiver (hardware) designs based on the RASDR concept (wide-bandwidth, Windows-compatible, documented SDR for Radio Astronomy), only RASDR4 is now marketed.
Of the two completed SDR receiver (hardware) designs based on the RASDR concept (wide-bandwidth, Windows-compatible, documented SDR for Radio Astronomy), only RASDR4 is now marketed.
Identification and accurate spectral characterization of a narrow L-band spectral feature from a celestial source is a necessary first step in showing the importance of a Doppler (velocityinduced) frequency shift due to the Earth’s rotation. This goal was mentioned at the 2014 SARA conference [1] [2]. With the assistance of NRAO staff, we have integrated RASDR2 [3] [4] with the NRAO 20m radio telescope [5] and have demonstrated detection of a suitable narrow spectral feature.
The Radio Astronomy Software Defined Receiver (RASDR) is a system that provides a versatile Software-Defined Receiver (SDR) that is optimized for Radio Astronomy. RASDR2 is the current hardware that is in testing with a planned general release at this conference. See multiple other presentations at this conference as well as previous SARA Journals and Proceedings publications for the history of this SARA project.
Decades of experimental studies led physicist James Clerk Maxwell to formulate the theoretical foundations of electromagnetic energy in 1862. Thirty years later, another physicist, Henrich Hertz, demonstrated radio transmission and reception and initiated an era of Hardware-Defined Receivers (HDR). Receivers in the span of 150 years evolved from having a design focus in hardware, to a design focus in software, as Software Defined Receivers (SDR) began a 20-y rise to dominance.
An update of the RASDR project will be presented. The paper demonstrates Windows control of the RASDR system. User-provided data specifies center frequency, bandwidth, and some initial values used to choose optimal operational range of the Lime femtocell ship. Additional settings govern decimation, signal processing, external reference frequency and
output options. The system uses USB2 to provide a high speed interface to the RASDR hardware.
The RASDR design team is releasing a software-defined receiver (SDR) for radio astronomy called RASDR2. The receiver consists of two high-density circuit boards -- a wide-band femtocell chip on the front end analog interface MyriadRF board linked to a DigiRed digitization and function control board -- coupled to a computer via either a USB2 or USB3 interface. RASDRViewer software runs in a Windows environment and performs receiver control, FFT analysis, spectrum averaging, power monitoring and other functions.
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