Outreach Section

Section Coordinator: Tom Crowley, crowleytj@hotmail.com

Background and Context
SARA hosts numerous outreach and educational opportunities and cooperates with other organizations towards these same goals.

SARA Conferences: Annual, Western, and Radio Jove: http://www.radio-astronomy.org/
SARA Education/Outreach:
SARA Mentors: http://www.radio-astronomy.org/mentors
SARA Forum: http://www.radio-astronomy.org/email-list
SARAM Publications: http://www.radio-astronomy.org/publications
Links: http://www.radio-astronomy.org/links

International Organizations
British Astronomical Association Radio Astronomy Group: http://www.britastro.org/radio/
The European Radio Astronomy Club: http://www.eracnet.org/

Academic Organizations
University of Stanford Solar Center (SuperSID Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance) monitor):
University of North Carolina SKYNET (Network of robotic telescopes):
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute: http://www.pari.edu/
University of Indianapolis: http://radioastronomy.uindy.edu/
Faulkes Telescope Project: http://www.faulkes-telescope.com/news/2063

Government Organizations
NASA Radio Jove (Education and outreach project): http://radiojove.gsfc.nasa.gov/

Amateur Organizations and Ham Radio (ARRL)
ARRL (American Radio Relay League): http://www.arrl.org/
North Texas Microwave Society: http://www.ntms.org/

The SETI League, Inc.: http://www.setileague.org/

Conventions and Conferences
HAMfest: http://www.arrl.org/hamfests-and-conventions-calendar
Engineering fest: http://www.usasciencefestival.org/
Green Bank Star Quest: http://www.greenbankstarquest.org/

The Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers annually supports students and teachers through grants for projects.

Outreach Brochures


Useful Links
•    Radio Observing Award Programs
•    Citizen Science Radio Astronomy Award Programs
•    Links (including related topics in the SARA Listserv Archive, and SARA Journal Table of Contents)
•    References
•    Glossary: http://www.radio-astronomy.org/pdf/SARA%20Glossary.pdf
•    edX Radio Astronomy Certificate Course




SARA is dedicated to the exploration of radio astronomy at the amateur level. Many amateurs are engaged in developing hardware, software, and methodologies to expand the limits of amateur radio observation. Such amateurs impose intriguing opportunities. With peer review, they can develop new approaches to radio astronomy observation, or offer an equally valuable dissertation on explanations to misidentified radio observations and their nature.  SARA welcomes positive diversity of opinion but does not necessarily embrace those opinions as it own.