Radio JOVE Conference Schedule

The Radio JOVE Team, together with the Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers (SARA), is pleased to announce a joint meeting this summer at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Green Bank, WV.  This meeting will take place from Sunday June 29 through the morning of Friday July 4, 2014.  The SARA part of the meeting will start Sunday with an introduction to Radio Astronomy at the Science Center classroom,followed by learning to operate the forty foot radio telescope (1,420 MHz - 21 cm).  Presentations by SARA members and guests will begiven on Monday and Tuesday.  A High Tech tour of the NRAO facility will be conducted on Tuesday 1 July.  The JOVE meeting will occurWednesday and Thursday with talks ranging from entry level descriptions of Jove hardware and software to more advanced measurementtechniques and science of the Jovian emission sources.
Attendees may register for either the SARA segment or the JOVE segment of the meeting, or both.    Registration details may be found on the SARA website  Contact Melinda or Bill Lord ( if you have questions about the logistics.
A tentative agenda for the Radio Jove portion of the meeting is given below.  Contact Jim Thieman ( if youhave questions about the Radio Jove meeting agenda. 

Tentative Radio Jove Meeting Schedule


Wednesday July 2, 2014 --- Radio Jove Hardware and Software Basics + Advanced Systems




7:45 am


Breakfast in the NRAO Cafeteria

8:45 am

J. Thieman

Welcome and Radio Jove Meeting Overview

9:15 am

R. Flagg,

W. Greenman

Radio Jove Hardware – Receiver and Antenna

9:45 am

J. Sky

Radio-Skypipe 101

10:15 am

R. Flagg


10:30 am



10:45 am

RJ Team

Archiving Data

11:00 am

C. Higgins

Introduction to Jupiter Science

11:30 am

J. Sky

Radio Jupiter Pro (RJP) Software

12:15 pm


Lunch in the NRAO Cafeteria

1:30 pm

R. Flagg

Introduction to Advanced Measurements Systems

2:15 pm

R. Flagg, D. Typinski, J. Sky

Basic Spectrograph Hardware and Software

2:45 pm

D. Typinski

The Fast Fourier Transform (Tutorial)

3:15 pm



3:30 pm

R. Flagg, D. Typinski

The Tunable, Wideband Receiver (TWB)

4:00 pm

D. Typinski

Polarization, Beam Steering, Dual Polarization Spectrograph

4:30 pm

R. Flagg

Spectrograph User’s Group

5:00 pm


Dinner in the NRAO Cafeteria

6:30 pm


Hands-On Radio Astronomy on the Lawn

7:30 pm


Drake Lounge Open for Discussions and Social




Thursday July 3, 2014 --- Science and Radio Jove Future




7:45 am


Breakfast in the NRAO Cafeteria

9:00 am

J. Thieman,

C. Higgins

Advanced Jupiter Science Summary

9:30 am

K. Imai, T. Ohno

Status of the Agawa Radio Observatory, Kochi, JAPAN

10:00 am

J. Brown

Jupiter Narrow Band (N)-Events

10:30 am



10:45 am

A. Mount

Precision Time by GPS

11:15 am

C. Higgins

The Long Wavelength Array (LWA) – Jupiter Results

11:45 am

F. Reyes

Low Frequency Observations of the SL-9 Impact with Jupiter

12:15 pm


Lunch in the NRAO Cafeteria

1:30 pm

S. Kurtz

Team Mexico and Radio Jove

2:00 pm

RJ Team (tentative)

Large Groups using Radio Jove for Education (tentative)

2:30 pm

RJ Team

Solar Science

3:00 pm



3:45 pm

RJ Team

The Juno Mission 2015-2017 and Radio Jove Observing

4:15 pm

J. Thieman + RJ Team

The Future of Radio Jove

5:15 pm


Dinner in the NRAO Cafeteria

6:30 pm


Hands-On Radio Astronomy on the Lawn

7:30 pm


Drake Lounge Open for Discussions and Social




Friday 7-04-14 --- Departure




7:45 am

Continental Breakfast

Continental Breakfast in the Drake Lounge

[NRAO Cafeteria is closed for the holiday]

9:00 am




