P. Oxley, D. Fields, B. Vacaliuc, C. Lyster and F. Ghigo
Tamke-Allan Observatory
Roane State Community College
276 Patton Lane
Harriman, TN 37748
Identification and accurate spectral characterization of a narrow L-band spectral feature from a celestial source is a necessary first step in showing the importance of a Doppler (velocityinduced) frequency shift due to the Earth’s rotation. This goal was mentioned at the 2014 SARA conference [1] [2]. With the assistance of NRAO staff, we have integrated RASDR2 [3] [4] with the NRAO 20m radio telescope [5] and have demonstrated detection of a suitable narrow spectral feature. Analysis of the complete 24h data set to show the spectral shift due to planetary Doppler shift will be discussed in a future paper.
RASDR2 was controlled by RASDRViewer software [2] running under Windows 7.
RASDRViewer performed receiver control, FFT analysis, spectrum averaging, power monitoring and other functions. The local computer was connected via the Internet to a remote computer, with both computers running Remote Desktop. The remote computer or an adjacent laptop computer was also used to control the 20m radio telescope using SkyNet [6].