SARA Code of Ethics
1. Members should use good practices to reduce error and uncertainty in their work.
2. Members should question and seek alternative explanations of the results they observe.
3. Members should accept honest criticism of their work, and not dishonestly criticize the work of others.
4. Members should credit the contributions of others to their work.
5. Members should not disparage others.
6. Members should strive to help develop the skills and knowledge of others.
Reference: The IEEE Code of Ethics was referred to while developing the SARA Code of Ethics:
IEEE Code of Ethics © 2016 IEEE, for informational purposes
SARA Listserv Rules of Conduct
No politics or religion
No off topics
No bad speaking about others
No off topic advertisements (i.e., don’t sell used cars on the list)
Every new list member is moderated until the 1st post. If it’s off topic you stay moderated. If it’s way off topic then you are banned. If the 1st post is on topic then you are no longer moderated.
SARA Volunteer and Meeting Attendee Conduct Rules
SARA’s volunteers are the core of the Society and make all of its programs, conferences and educational efforts possible. These offerings provide opportunities for volunteers and attendees to gain greater technical expertise, grow their networks, and discuss their activities.
At all times, volunteers and attendees should act in accordance with SARA’s Code of Ethics, upholding and advancing the integrity, honor and dignity of amateur radio astronomy.
SARA has developed these guidelines to foster a positive environment of trust, respect, open communications, and ethical behavior. These guidelines apply to meetings, conferences, workshops, courses, Expos, exhibitions, conventions, and other events organized or attended by SARA volunteers and members.
Volunteers and meeting attendees should contribute to a collegial, inclusive, positive and respectful environment for fellow volunteers and attendees, and other stakeholders, including SARA speakers.
Volunteers and meeting attendees should avoid making inappropriate statements or taking inappropriate action based on race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, marital status, political affiliation, presence of disabilities, or educational background.
Volunteers and meeting attendees should show consistent respect for colleagues, regardless of discipline, employment status, student status, and organizations for which they work, whether industry, academia, or government.
Disruptive, harassing or other inappropriate statements or behavior toward other volunteers, members, and other stakeholders is unacceptable.
Volunteers and meeting attendees should also obey all applicable laws, regulations, safety guidelines, and other rules of the relevant hosting organizations for SARA events, and obey the same for events hosted by others in which SARA is a participant.
SARA Professionalism Statement
SARA has identified six characteristics of organizational professionalism: character; culture; outreach and educational engagement; competency in vocational skills; conduct and image; and continuous improvement.
- Integrity – Demonstrating adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character.
- Honesty – Free of fraud or deception.
- Forthrightness – Actively and consistently communicating with your SARA fellow members, providing responses in a clear and direct way.
- Responsibility – Ablility to be trusted to do what is right or to do the things that are expected or required.
- Diligence – Earnest and energetic effort.
- Ethics – All activities and communications are in full compliance with moral, government, industry, and SARA standards.
- Consistency – Holding SARA Directors and Officers accountable for quality, timely, and effective performance.
- Service Excellence – Having an attitude of service toward others.
- Responsibility – Exhibiting responsible behavior in SARA activities.
- Accountability – Practicing accountability for your performance as a SARA Director and officer.
- Determination – Continually striving to reach goals and higher levels of performance.
- Transparency – Ensuring that SARA business activities are well known and understood.
- Initiative – Taking action when appropriate to improve SARA activities.
- Proactivity – Taking immediate action to prevent or solve a SARA problem.
- Collaboration – Choosing to work with, listen to and assist stakeholders who are working towards the same goals and high levels of performance.
- Mentoring – Developing a mentoring program that encourages the transfer of knowledge and opportunities from senior members to junior members, and vice-versa, so that everyone in SARA learns from each other.
Outreach and Educational Engagement
- Performance – Performing every task the best practical way within the skill sets of SARA members, and to acknowledge any short-comings.
- Improvement – Striving for continual improvement; actively seeking resources or advice to perform better.
- Evaluation – Implementing and continuously looking to improve SARA projects and activities to apply lessons learned, where appropriate.
- Audit – Trust, but verify.
- Feedback – Continuously providing SARA with new knowledge and expertise.
- Participation – Actively participating in grant, outreach, and educational programs and activities that will improve SARA’s knowledge and performance, as well as reward those interacting with SARA.
- Partnership – Looking outside SARA’s immediate network to find new organizational peers, resources and strategies for improvement.
Competency in Vocational Skill
- Skill – Utilizing training, experience and practice to perform activities properly.
- Expertise – Being able to consistently perform the desired skill above and beyond what is expected.
- Training – Promote and engage in training opportunities to promote the field of amateur radio astronomy.
- Performance Standards – Having standards ensures that success is recognized and repeated. Make sure standards are equally and fairly applied throughout SARA and that all personnel understand and meet or exceed those standards.
- Communication – Frequently convey the desired concepts to others in a timely and effective way to ensure consistent competency.
Conduct and Image
- Maturity – Having and showing the mental and emotional qualities that follow the principles and standards of SARA.
- Etiquette – Treating other organizations in a socially correct manner; treating other organizations as you would want your organization to be treated.
- Loyalty – Showing continuing allegiance to members, stakeholders, and grant recipients.
- Respect – Showing respect for authority and others in the professional radio astronomy community; giving and requiring the respect that is deserved.
- Discretion – Establishing confidences and maintaining confidentiality where needed.
- Excellence – Providing a high level of routine performance.
Continuous Improvement
- Culture – Fair and just safety culture allows for tolerance and understanding of safety events. The events themselves are analyzed and causes are identified before the people within your organization are evaluated.
- Management – Supporting, using and promoting safety management system concepts to engage SARA Directors and Officers in practices of excellence and continuous improvement.
- Education – Continually improving the knowledge and capability of SARA through training, experience and practicing precision. Providing SARA’s Directors and officers with knowledge, resources and opportunities for improvement so that everyone will benefit.
- Debrief – Performing routine debriefs and evaluations of your SARA’s performance, in an effort to find new ways to improve.
- Resiliency – Not succumbing to small bouts of poor performance; considering setbacks or mistakes as learning opportunities for major improvement.