Palo Alto, California, USA on 23 - 25 March 2018
The 2018 SARA Western Conference will be held at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 23 - 25 March 2018. The meeting will include a visit the Kavli Institute for Particle Physics and Cosmology (KIPAC).
Call for papers: Papers are welcome on subjects directly related to radio astronomy including hardware, software, education and tutorials, research strategies, observations and data collection and philosophy. If you wish to present a paper please email a letter of intent, including a proposed title and abstract to the conference coordinator at no later than 31 December 2017. Full copies of the presentations should be submitted by March 1, 2018, for inclusion in the proceedings.
Be sure to include your full name, affiliation, postal address, and email address, and indicate your willingness to attend the conference to present your paper. Submitters will receive an email response, typically within one week.
Presentations and proceedings: In addition to presentations by SARA members, we plan to have speakers from the Stanford University faculty, and possibly KIPAC. Papers and presentations on radio astronomy hardware, software, education, research strategies, philosophy, and observing efforts and methods are welcome. Formal proceedings will be published for this conference. If presenters want to submit a paper or a copy of their presentation, we will make them available to attendees on CD.
Basic schedule: Our first day will include a visit to the KIPAC facilities at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC). The next two days' meetings will take place on the Stanford University campus and will include presentations by members and guest speakers. A board meeting for the Society will also be held during the conference.
Getting there: Fly into the San Jose or San Francisco airport and rent a car to drive to Palo Alto. It is also possible to use CALTRAIN to get from the San Jose or San Francisco airport to Palo Alto, but you would still need a car to get from the hotel to the meeting site at Stanford University.
Registration: Registration for the 2018 Western Conference is just US$60.00. This includes snacks and lunch on Saturday and Sunday. Breakfast should be eaten at the hotel. Payment can be made through PayPal, by sending payment to Please include in comments that the payment is for the 2018 Western Conference. You also can mail a check payable to SARA Treasurer, C/O Dennis Farr, 7237 Woodbrooki Dr. Tampa, FL 33625. Please include an e-mail address so a confirmation can be sent to you when we receive your payment.
Hotel reservations: Marriott Courtyard Palo Alto Los Altos
Address: 4320 El Camino Real, Los Altos, CA 94022
Phone: (650) 941-9900
(Group Rate $139 per night plus taxes = $154.56 per night)
Use the following link for online booking:
What to wear: Our conference settings are casual.
Saturday night dinner: We will make a group dinner reservation at a local restaurant for Saturday night.
Additional Information: Additional details will be published online at and in the SARA journal, Radio Astronomy, as we get closer to the conference date. Please contact conference coordinator David Westman if you have any questions or if you would like to help with the conference: