Virtual 2022 SARA Spring Conference to be held on April 16, 2022
The 2022 SARA Spring Conference will be held on Zoom, April 16, 2022. This virtual conference will replace the annual SARA Western Conference because of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic.
Contact: Please contact conference coordinator Dave Westman if you have any questions about the conference or if you would like to help: westernconference_at_radioastronomy_dot_org. Website:
Presentations and proceedings: Papers and presentations on radio astronomy hardware, software, education, research strategies, philosophy, and observing efforts and methods are welcome. The deadline for submitting a letter of intent to the conference coordinator including a proposed title and informal abstract or outline is 15 February 2022. Formal proceedings will be published electronically for this conference, and a link will be emailed to registered participants.
Registration: Registration for the 2021 Spring Conference is just US$25.00. Attendees at the conference must be SARA members; if you are not yet a member, this will cost an additional $20. Payment can be made by going to and directing payment to treas_at_radio-astronomy_dot_org. Please include in comments that the payment is for the 2022 Spring Conference. You also can mail a check to SARA Treasurer, 337 Meadow Ridge Rd, Troy, VA. 22974 . Please include an e-mail address so a confirmation can be sent to you upon receipt of payment.
Call for papers: 2022 SARA Spring Conference
Virtual on Zoom
The Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers (SARA) hereby solicits papers for presentation at its 2022 Spring Conference, to be held April 16, 2022 via Zoom. Papers on radio astronomy hardware, software, education, research strategies, observations and philosophy are welcome. SARA members or supporters wishing to present a paper should email a letter of intent, including a proposed title and informal abstract or outline to westernconference_at_radio-astronomy_dot_org no later than 15 February 2022 (please let us know if you require more time). Be sure to include your full name, affiliation, postal address, and email address, and indicate your willingness to participate in the conference to present your paper. Submitters will receive an email response, typically within one week. Formal printed Proceedings will be published electronically for this conference and a link will be sent to each participant prior to the conference. Website:
Dr. Darcy Barron
will be the
Keynote Speaker
at the
SARA 2022 Spring Conference
I am pleased to announce that Dr. Darcy Barron, Assistant Professor,Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of New Mexico, has agreed to give the keynote speech at the 2022 SARA Spring Conference on April 16, 2022. Prior to joining the department at UNM, Dr. Barron was a National Science Foundation Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellow and Charles H. Townes Postdoctoral Fellow at the Space Sciences Lab at University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Barron received her PhD in Physics from the University of California, San Diego in 2015, advised by Prof. Brian Keating.
An active member of the international POLARBEAR, Simons Observatory, and CMB-S4 collaborations, Dr. Barron is passionate about cosmology and instrumentation. Her current research focuses on precision measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB), including building instruments to study the faint divergence-free polarization pattern known as B-mode polarization. Detailed characterization of the CMB will further our understanding of the components of the universe and its large-scale structure.
When she’s not working, she can be found exploring the deserts and mountains of New Mexico by foot, bicycle, and plane. She also appreciates the longer wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum and is a licensed amateur radio operator.
Women in STEM award from ADVANCE at UNM, 2019
NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellow, 2015 - 2018
Charles H. Townes Fellow at Space Sciences Laboratory, UC Berkeley, 2015-2018
Second inductee to Spring Valley C.C.S.D. Foundation Honors Hall of Fame, 2020