2024 SARA Western Conference
Dallas, Texas, USA on 8 and 9 April, 2024
2015 Solar Eclipse LOFAR contours: LOFAR contours 50-95% (blue to red) of the peak intensity on top of a Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly 193 Å image. The contours are from a multifrequency LOFAR map (140-160 MHz) and the 193 Å EUV image is from 11:05 UT, during 2015 March 20 partial solar eclipse in Europe, 80% totality.
Call for papers: Papers are welcome on subjects directly related to radio astronomy including hardware, software, education and tutorials, research strategies, observations and data collection and philosophy. If you wish to present a paper please email a letter of intent, including a proposed title and abstract to the conference coordinator at westernconf@radio-astronomy.org no later than 1 February 2024.
Be sure to include your full name, affiliation, postal address, and email address, and indicate your willingness to attend the conference either in person or virtually to present your paper. Submitters will receive an email response, typically within one week. Final advance presentations should be submitted to the Western Conference co-ordinator for inclusion in the proceedings no later than March 15, 2024. Due to the work required to prepare the proceedings, this should be considered a hard deadline.
Presentations and proceedings: In addition to presentations by SARA members, we will have a keynote speech by Dr. Lindsay King of the University of Texas Physics and Astronomy Dept., who will be hosting the conference. They have arranged a National Science Foundation grant to support it.
Basic schedule: The conference will be entirely held on the University of Texas Dallas campus. Virtual attendance at the conference using Zoom will be possible at a reduced rate for those who cannot attend in person.
Contact: Please contact conference coordinator David Westman if you have any questions or if you would like to help with the conference: westernconf@radio-astronomy.org.
Getting there: Many major airlines have flights to Dallas/Ft. Worth International Airport.
Registration: Registration for in person attendance at the 2024 Western Conference is just US$75.00 ($20 sale price). The reduced rate to attend the conference on line using Zoom is $15 ($10 sale price). You must be a SARA member to register for the conference. The in-person conference rate will include lunch at the conference site on Monday and Tuesday. Payment can be made through PayPal, www.paypal.com by sending payment to treas@radio-astronomy.org or making a purchase on the SARA Store. If you need to send a check for registration, please send it to:
SARA Treasurer
c/o Thomas Jacobs
P. O. Box 4245
Wilmington, NC 28406.
Please include in comments that the payment is for the 2024 Western Regional Conference.
Hotel reservations: Hotel reservation discounts have been arranged with the Hilton Richardson Dallas hotel, 701 E Campbell St. This link should be used to arrange the booking:
Link: https://www.hilton.com/en/book/reservation/deeplink/?ctyhocn=DALBEHH&corporateCode=N2994855. They are able to extend the UTD rate of $119 plus tax for these April dates.
Monday night dinner: We will make a group dinner reservation at a local restaurant for Monday night.
Additional Information: Additional details will be published online at
www.radio-astronomy.org and in the SARA journal, Radio Astronomy, as we get closer to the conference date.