Second Nobel Laureate to Speak at SARA Conference

John Cromwell Mather PHD, 2006 Nobel Laureate in Physics, will visit NRAO on June 30, and will give a talk that afternoon.  SARA is delighted that Dr. Mather will be speaking during the SARA conference and the SARA attendees will attend.  Dr. Mather is an American astrophysicist, cosmologist and Nobel Prize in Physics laureate for his work on the Cosmic Background Explorer Satellite (COBE) with George Smoot.

Radio Jove Conference Abstracts

The Jove meeting begins on Wednesday morning with a discussion of the Jove radio telescope. Throughout the day we will progress from the basics of radio Jove to more advanced systems. Along with discussions of receiver hardware and analysis software, you will hear about Jovian emissions, the source of these signals, and remaining mysteries as to how these signals are generated.  Beginning at an introductory level suitable for the new Jove observer, we will progress to advanced receiving systems and analysis being performed by amateur and professional Jupiter radio astronomers.

Summary of 2014 SARA Western Conference ~ Bishop, California Julian Jove

The 2014 SARA Western Conference was held in Bishop, California USA over the weekend of 22~23 March at the Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO) and Holiday Inn Express. Bill and Melinda Lord again worked hard to get everything setup, and David Westman helped arrange our visit to the OVRO, which is about 27 road miles south of Bishop . Whitham Reeve, conference coordinator, did very little but, of course, took all the credit as we have come to expect. We had 30± attendees at this year’s conference, and to my knowledge there were no trouble-makers in the group except, as usual, SARA president Bill Lord.
