SARA 2021 Eastern Conference Keynote Speaker

Dr. Weinreb was awarded the 2008 Grote Reber Medal for lifetime innovative contributions to radio astronomy. His pioneering developments of novel techniques and instrumentation over nearly half a century helped to define modern radio astronomy.

70th Anniversary of the Discovery of Radio Emissions from Neutral Hydrogen

We are approaching the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the discovery on March 25, 2021 of radio emissions from neutral hydrogen near 1420 MHz. On March 25th, 1951, the very first detection of hydrogen using a radio telescope with a horn antenna sticking out of a window on the 4th floor of the Lyman Physics laboratory at Harvard University was accomplished. This capability is the foundation of further discoveries allowing us to see the universe in a way never possible before.

SARA 2021 Spring Conference - Conference Schedule

SARA 2021 Spring Conference
April 3, 2021, Virtual
Conference Schedule



Keynote Speaker at SARA 2021 Spring Conference

I am pleased to announce that Dr. Miguel Morales, professor of physics and radio astronomy at the University of Washington in Seattle, WA, has agreed to give the keynote speech at the 2021 SARA Spring Conference on April 3, 2021. Dr. Morales is the leader of the Radio Cosmology Group at the UW and has been the chief scientist for the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) in Australia.

Virtual 2021 SARA Spring Conference to be held on April 3, 2021

The 2021 SARA Spring Conference will be held on Zoom, April 3, 2021.  This virtual conference will replace the annual SARA Western Conference because of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic.


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